

Designed to prepare leaders for the nonprofit sector, the major provides strong preparation and skills in all essential functions of nonprofit management. You’ll learn to manage resources and contribute to organizational change; develop a strategic focus for solving complex organizational challenges; analyze nonprofit financial statements and develop budgets; and maximize volunteer, 筹款, and board governance effectiveness. Advance your career and increase your earning potential with a degree in nonprofit management.

Preparing for the Next Step in Your Career

We understand the importance of supporting and encouraging our students throughout their educational journey. Our experienced faculty and staff are committed to guiding you every step of the way, providing the resources and assistance you need to succeed.


“I firmly believe in the mission and vision of North Park and the 专业研究学院. We truly care about our students, and we celebrate in their accomplishments and help them in their struggles,博士说。. 詹姆斯. “I try not to just teach the material but make it applicable for students. That way they are able to use what they learned in the classroom the next day at work or in their daily lives,他补充道.




In the 专业研究学院, you may earn academic credit for life experience through the Credit for Prior Learning process. Credit may be earned for demonstrated learning from informal life experience, professional church or organizational management training, 部门许可, 认证, 或者其他来源.




Violet Ricker C’10 earned her nonprofit management degree through a combination of online and in-person classes. Today, she is executive director of a nonprofit organization that works for community development. 因为学位课程, 雷克说, “I understand the connectedness of volunteer development, 筹款, 沟通, 社区外展.”


Careers in 非营利组织管理

Graduates have a broad range of career opportunities in nonprofit and business management, 人力资源, 社会工作, 和更多的. Many students also continue on to graduate 项目, including North Park’s 商学院 and 非营利组织管理.




A degree in nonprofit management can be earned through classes offered at the 芝加哥 and Grayslake campuses, a combination of online and in-person classes, 或者只在网上.




Flexibility is built right into the 专业研究学院. New classes start every two months, with seven-week accelerated courses that meet just once a week at one of our two campus locations–evenings or Saturdays–or online.

By taking at least six courses a year, most students finish their degree in 2.5 years or less, depending on transfer credit (students can transfer as many as 90 hours).

Explore the courses and requirements for the nonprofit management major.
